
Name: Mary Madonna Luce
Sculpt (Company, sculpt name): Iplehouse Yur (first version)
Resin Color: Normal
Body style/size: On a SID large bust body
Faceup artist : Iplehouse face up
Eye color, brand, size, etc.: 14mm Gumdrop Wolf Grey
Hair: Various Monique Ginger Brown wigs

Background: Mary's story is told in the second book of the series, Lover Eternal. She was a human diagnosed with leukemia when she first came into the Brotherhood world. She was working on a suicide hotline, when John Matthew called in. Her neighbor was Bella, Bella discovered John was a vampire about to transition (as Bella was a vampire as well), and long story short they needed the Brotherhood's help. She is describe in the books as quite plain in the looks department. 

Relationships:  She is mated to Rhage (Hollywood) and they have an adopted daughter, Bitty. She works as a therapist at the vampire women's shelter, Safe Place, and for the Brothers too when needed.

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