Saturday, August 15, 2020

A Chosen's Story

Layla was one of the first "Chosen" to make an appearance in the books.  Part of the race bred to feed and service the needs of the Brotherhood, she didn't have much of a personality or a backbone when first introduced. She was pretty one dimensional. 

As her layers started to unfold, I really began to feel for her.............trained as an Ehros, to sexually pleasure members of the Brotherhood, along with the feeding, she never got a chance to put her training into practice as the Brothers that she fed primarily already had human mates, so she was called upon for feeding, but not aught else. 

She was an Ehros, who was a virgin, and she longed for someone to love. She fell in love with Qhuinn as he was kind to her, and he was single, so he did enter into a semi sexual relationship with her, but he was also in love with someone else, and he truly cared for Layla, he didn't want to hurt her.

It was during her relationship with Qhuinn that her personality really started to emerge and she developed some backbone. I really started to enjoy her character quite a bit and longed for her to get her own happy ending, which she eventually did with Xcor. I can't say their story, told in "The Chosen", but running as a sub story for several books prior,  was my favorite, but I'm glad she got her happy. She has become one of my favorite female characters within the books.

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